Sunday, October 25, 2009

VA Governor's Race

I think Bob McDonnell will win the Virginia Governor's Race to be held on November 3. He says that he wants to be a "jobs governor" which I think Virginia needs right now because of the economic recession.

McDonnell's opponent's (Deeds) platform suggests that he is very interested in environmental issues. Some people think that's important, but personally, I don't think it's the most important issue in Virginia right now and I would rather see the issues of job creation and the economy resolved first.

To a lot of people, McDonnell is really conservative which may hurt him a little bit. But so far, all the polls show McDonnell in the lead over Democrat, Creigh Deeds. I'm actually surprised that McDonnell is ahead in the polls. At last year's election, almost all the political elections were won by Democrats and it's surprising that a Republican might win. I assumed that because of the strong support of Barack Obama last year, Virginia Democrats would be very involved in this election, and endorse Deeds.

From watching the commercials and reading the newspaper about the election, I have more confidence in McDonnell as governor. Deeds has done a lot of slanderous commercials, whereas I feel McDonnell has focused on the issues more. We'll see what happens on November 3!

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