Saturday, December 19, 2009

Political Cartoon 4

1.) Larry Wright drew this political cartoon

2.) It was published in the Detroit News on December 17, 2009

3.) This political cartoon deals with the division between Democrats and Republicans, the economy,  and the holiday season.

4.) With the current economy, there's not a lot of extra money for holiday spending. This cartoon jokes that Santa wants to know the children's political alignment in order to know whether or not he should get them a lot for Christmas. I think it's possible Santa could represent Barack Obama because he is in charge of where funds are allocated and he would only want to give to Democrats. 

5.) There's always a big divide between Democrats and Republicans and typically a lot of dislike. If Santa does represent Obama, Republicans won't get "what they want for Chrismtas" (money and support) which is unfair, but that's usually what happens with opposing parties. 


  1. I agree with your thoughts that Obama is being represented as Santa in this cartoon. it's a shame that there is always such a divide between political parties that those in power are the only ones who get what they want, but I guess it's pretty impossible to get everyone in the nation to agree on everything.

  2. speeking of this santa issue i belive it is rediculaus first off to be using santa i mean there are many other religions in the nation that have made up figures thats bring gifts just to say that .. also i do agree that there is a huge dived in opoions and schools of thought that are between the republicans and democrates debating the issue of fedral spending on certian issues
