Sunday, September 27, 2009

Political Party

I would align myself with the Republican party. I'm Pro-Life and I think every citizen should work hard for their own money without relying on anyone else to help them out. I disagree with the more liberal ideas that humans are destroying the environment. I grew up in a really conservative home so I think that has influenced me somewhat, but I would probably have the same beliefs regardless of my parents.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Current Event #1- Iran's Nuclear Facility

On Friday, President Obama, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced the beliefs that Iran is constructing a secret nuclear fuel facility. Iranian President Mamoud Ahmadinejad denies that the nuclear facility is dangerous or illegal.

Intelligence officials discovered the facility in 2007 and this past summer, the United States, France, and Britian worked to learn more about it. The CIA believes that by 2010, it could create one bomb per year.

President Obama believes Iran is breaking the rules.

"We have offered Iran a clear path toward greater international integration if it lives up to its obligations, and that offer stands, but the Iranian government must now demonstrate through deeds its peaceful intentions or be held accountable to international standards and international law." (~Barack Obama)

Discovering the nuclear facility is vital to protecting the nation's security. Now that three countries have information regarding the establishment, we can protect against the possibility of a bomb attack. Obama wanted Iran to be aware that we have inside information and are willing to use it in our defense.

I was surprised to hear about the finding of an Iranian nuclear facility. The Iranian President seems to be acting aloof to the whole situation but I think in the future, he will try to keep information hidden. The US has sent detailed information to China and Russia to keep those countries alert of the situation. Obama handled the situation well by saying that Iran is not following the rules, but not jumping to conclusions that they actually do have a bomb. The article said that Sarkozy and Brown were not as composed.

France, Britian, and the US hope that this discovery will stop Russia and China's fears about tightening economic sanctions.

Click here for the article on

"U.S., Allies say Iran has Secret Nuclear Facility," The Washington Post, Sept 26, 2009